Thursday, September 18, 2008

Part Two - "The Roomie & Meeting the Delegates"

Next morning wake up late... It was so nice to sleep in...I hated getting my sorry butt out of bed but today was the "big day" meet all the delegates and gasp... the roomie. ( I had heard horror stories from others)

I went to my new room which lucky for me was just 2 doors down. Made moving everything easy. My new roomie wasn't there yet but she had already settled in. Now to get ready... Here she walks in and she is beautiful... take a deep breathe and see what happens...

My roomie "Christina" in one word... Amazing. I loved her from the moment we started talking. She is such a amazing woman. A mother of 3, wife of a title belt boxer, real estate broker who is looking into going into politics. I don't think Rhode Island could do better. It would be great to have someone like her. Honest, hardworking really wanting to make a difference. Rhode Island would be blessed to have her represent them, because even though her hubby is known for his boxing I would imagine you don't want to step in the ring with her!! She is a go get done kind of gal. I enjoyed the time we had together, though it was to short!

Christina you alone made this adventure worth it!!!

The delegates were all beautiful. Orientation was a little intimidating and the dinner was good. I think I am one of the only girls who had a bite of desert. LOL I love chocolate. :) Then after we all went back to our rooms for a little R&R. Christina and I watched Pretty Woman and talked most of the night. It was like a little slumber party... to much fun.

Nationals - The Story Part One " The Arrival"

Ok if you can't tell by the date that I am entering this life has been really busy since getting back from Nationals. With that being said it was INCREDIBLE! The delegates I met from each state were amazing, beautiful, intellectual, inspired and involved women. Just amazing to know that there are women like them in each state doing so much to make a difference. So to help you experience my adventure I am going to break it down into different post.

Part One- "Arrival the Night before"

I decided with the hubby to get in the night before we had to check in. To have a night all to myself before meeting all the delegates would give me a chance to catch my breathe... Which I needed. My wonderful family saw me off at the airport and gave me hugs and kisses. I knew I was going to a once in a lifetime event but it was hard to take off and leave them. The ride was great. A little embarrassing since people seem to make a big deal about you. I like being behind the scenes doing the work, not front and center. I know.... then why did I do this??? That's another story...for another time.

The airport was beautiful, the weather HOT and I don't mean warm, I mean welcome to hell you have arrived HOT!!! I have never been so hot and it wasn't a dry heat it was a miserable heat!!! But other then melting the ride to the hotel was great. The driver that picked me up was very nice. Talked about his wife and son, the women in Las Vegas and how "fake" so many of them are. He said it was nice to see someone real in that place. I don't think Vegas is my "thing". Anyway got to the hotel and it was cool and clean and my room was big and comfy. I went out to get something to eat and settled on a nice big thick cheeseburger with bacon and a side of fries. One of the best I have ever eaten. If you go to Vegas eat at "Terrible Mikes" Yummy!!! Worth every bite and calorie.... :)

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Continuation on the Journey to Fitness

Ok here we go... my road to Nationals. Thanks to Seth my fabulous personal trainer who is taking over from where Blackhawk Fitness (Thanks Cheif Everhart!!!!) got me to for my competition. I am ready to work hard(er) and make even larger strides to my overall fitness level and diet. Here are my stats as I start this adventure

Body Fat: 26%
Body Weight: 122


Waist: 27 3/4
Thigh: 18 1/2
Shoulder: 39
Arm: 10 1/4
Neck: 12 1/2
Calf: 13 1/2

Lots of work ahead... Seth I hope you are ready for all the whining...

P.S. Don't let the smile fool you, he works your butt off..literially

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Kechi Days

I always wondered what living in a small town would feel like. Now I know... wonderful!! The street dance that Kechi had was down home fun. Relaxed, safe and full of good people and families. No crime, no worries, no judgements!! A great band played live music, husbands and wives held each other close on the dance floor and shared sweet kisses and smiles. Neighbors passed babies and stories and even as strangers we were welcomed in. Police Chief Doll and I even talked about a possible move. (Don and I are still talking Chief) Cassie (our Jr. Teen Kansas) drew names for the door prizes and one lucky person went home with a new laptop. Dancing,laughing,talking and a beautiful summer night, a memory maker for sure. Thank you Kechi for sharing your great town with us!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sisterhood of the Divine Makeover

Did you every think that a dress hanging in your closet could help to change the way a woman will view herself or that it in fact can help to change her whole out look on life??? Me either...What an extraordinary event put on by Dress for Success. We had over 400 in attendance for this Luncheon. We ate, we went home with goodies, and we supported a wonderful organization that is helping to change the way the world is one lady at a time. We heard some amazing stories of how two women had every reason in the world to feel sorry for themselves and give up, but instead they changed their lives around and made their place in life. I was so honored to meet both of them and be part of an organization that makes such an impact on women right here at home. Bonnie Bing Hosted and together we handed out some great door prizes. So if you didn't come this year get your ticket for next year, you won't want to miss it! AND if you have some great clothes that just don't look right or fit anymore please take them to Dress For Success, who knows your outfit might just help to change a life!!!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Miss Augusta Takes The Title of Miss Kansas America 2008

It was a wonderful day in Pratt as I watched the parade with the former Jr. Teen 2007 Rachel Cash. We cheered on all the girls as they drove down the street in fabulous cars looking amazing. Despite the wind trying to blow us away, it was a great parade with all of Pratt turning out to cheer on their candidates. Jennifer and Emily both looked great. The show was incredible and our Miss Augusta blew us away with her talent. Amazing job Emily!!! She also walked away with the title. Big surprise, we knew one of them would. Jennifer placed in the top 10 and we couldn't be prouder of either. Should be a great year and lots of great girls earned money for their future educations.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Miss Kansas America Send-off

Jennifer (Miss Butler) and Emily (Miss Augusta) had their send off for the Miss Kansas pageant. Both beautiful and talented girls. They both shared their talent of singing and shared their selected wardrobe for the big day! All I can say is "watch out competition" cause these two are gorgeous and have talent to spare. Their lovely director Priscilla Stanley, stepped in to MC and did a great job. It was a very enjoyable time. I look forward to seeing these lovely ladies again as they compete for Miss Kansas. Good Luck girls I will be rooting for you!